Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Varying Degrees of Con Artistry

I was recently extended an offer:

Reciprocity and Intimacy in the context of friendship.

In exchange I asked for Honesty, consisting of Full Disclosure.

I didn't see how you could have Reciprocity and Intimacy without Honesty.  So a compromise was fostered that left the person extending the offer compromised.  When a person wants to withhold full disclosure, they usually have reason to be apprehensive, and such was the case.  The reality was that the party making the offer wasn't in a position to reciprocate or maintain intimacy.

It wouldn't be the first time someone has asked someone else for something they wanted but were incapable of sharing.  Honestly, any time anyone goes about doing so they are disrespecting the person they are soliciting.  I don't know which is more of an offense, when they aren't honest about their solicitation, or when they are and approach you with the expectation that you will take their offer?

It's not right to react to disrespect with disrespect, but I have my moments when I am weak-minded and temperamental and do snap back. The better path is to challenge the person to step up to your standards instead of revisiting any standards they've accepted themselves and potentially regretted accepting.  Sometimes people convince themselves that it's ok to be taken advantage of, or be exploited/ abused by others if they gave consent, and to do likewise, because we're all accountable.  I can follow that, but I also believe we all deserve better and should do better than perpetuate destructive cycles of  inconsiderate dehumanization and disrespect.

That being the case, I might lose out on some of what this world has to offer, but it's no loss if I don't want those things under the terms they're presented with.  If I am going to be called judgmental for adhering to what I believe is good judgment, I'm willing to live with it.  The ends justify the means if it allows me to forgo further indignity and insult upon injury.

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