Monday, April 2, 2012

Just Another Day

In a word: Exhale.  Tension broken, air cleared, confusion dispersed, peace attained.  That's what today felt like, returning to my home away from home, the place where I earn a living, but don't usually feel like I'm working because I am helping, not laboring.  I was able to focus in on the things that need to be done, and when I got distracted or behind the curve, I had time to recover.  We all need time to recover.  In addition to that, I had a weekend that in it's own odd way fit the definition of what people think weekends should be, temporary departures from the stuff of life.  The highlight being the certain tunes resolving themselves, music fading out instead the needle tearing cross the grain, or skipping abruptly.  Not literal tunes, but the song of  my life with other people.  It's been ten years since the beginnings of the most dramatic realignment of my chosen family (aka close friends)  vs. my Biological family.  It was a perplexing 10 years for a good long while, but not it's quieted down and I have found myself, and grown accustomed to the company I keep, finding the most peaceful ways to coexist, accepted them.

So, in this 91 degree heat on April 2nd, at a time when I'm blissed out and want to take a nap, lulled to sleep by the ambient sound of Central Air set to 78 degrees kicking in, I tried to think of a song that fit my mood, that sounded like a feel, and Just Another Day was perfect.  I still have Black Reign, Queen Latifah's opus, recorded in honor of her recently deceased brother Lance.  The album spanned many emotions, with strength, clarity, and dignity.  I'm gonna go give it a spin, let that groove form Making Love In the Rain ( ) they jacked for Just Another Day phase through me.

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