Wednesday, April 18, 2012

More Love

Love comes at so high a cost that it's no surprise people covet its spoils and are reticent to share it in good faith with others.  Sadly, the antagonistic system of supply and demand perverts and corrupts it, and by the time you get it, it's not even Love anymore.

Part of me thinks love and innocence are a package deal. One necessitates the other.  Now, I do believe there are two kinds of innocence: Naivete & Virtuous.  The prior comes from ignorance, the latter from choosing to forgo exposure to the corrupted and perverse. I don't know if many people parse the concept of innocence that way, but it works for me.

The more guilt and corruption we have to reconcile, the harder it becomes to trust, ourselves and others, thus the harder it is to love.  There is merit to sparing yourself consequences.  Why make things more complicated, unduly sophisticated, for the sake of... well for the sake of what?!?!?  A lot of the things people do sans love, they regret or attempt to justify, if they can't just keep it under wraps and undisclosed.  If that's a possible outcome why do it in the first place?  Such things seem self defeating.  I know this from personal experience.  And if I have my way, I'll be the first to disclose my shame, and encourage you to not revisit it.  Just take someone's word for it and leave it at that. Live a better life with that knowledge in hand sans the mental and spiritual anguish that comes with negative experiences.  The less of your  memory occupied by pain, the more room there is for Love, which is what we live for.

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