Sunday, November 4, 2012

Leaves (Are Turning)

In my head, an Autumnal album has a certain sound, and Autumn has a certain feel, a certain... pace.  In my head, Autumn has a Theme Song, and Leaves, by Ours is it.  It's actually contrary to most things I feel about Autumn other than the liberation of being able to put on a black jacket and not fear dehydration, or heat stroke.  Weather isn't all this is about, far from it actually.  I'm pretty sure I first heard Leaves in January of 2003 via an old public access video show called Velocity that used to air up here.  If memory serves me correctly, it was a harsh and bleak Winter indeed, one full of illness and Dostoyevsky.  The song floored me, it just sounds Epic and Triumphant, heralding in something great.  When it comes on, it's like a Siren, or a Siren  blaring.  The synchronicity of this song piercing the veil of my consciousness and  my life being redirected entirely was uncanny.  2003 was the year everything coalesced and the paths I could choose became clear.  You only have so long on this earth to pursue your desires, fulfill your potential.  Time is of the essence, Time is running out, Carpe Diem! Tempus Fugit!  We don't need clocks to see this, just look a the leaves.

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