Now that I've found that tumblr is a better vehicle for posting videos and text together I am going to abandon the song inspired format for this blog and find a new focal point for my rambling ( shouldn't be hard ). So with that said I offer you one last song inspired soliloquy, or is this a soliloquy that inspired the song selection? It's hard to tell sometimes.
Eisley is one of those bands I wasn't looking out for, and didn't expect to like as much as I did. Nevertheless I ended up being a fan. Was it timing, circumstance? Maybe a little, but mostly, it was their talent and ambition. You can only hope the sky is the limit for some bands, so when they grow and improve it's a wonderful surprise that renews your interest. For me, the Deep Space EP was evidence that process was ongoing with Eisley.
Each album was captivating and had songs I liked more than the featured tracks on the previous release, but the two songs that were played live prior to the release of Deep Space were immediate favorites. I was initially taken with Lights Out, which had its genesis in the turmoil the band had experienced in the summer they recorded the EP. It was an anthem to lift the spirits of everyone despairing at that time. One Last Song was a serenade, not unlike a lullaby, similar to the song that drew me in and made me a fan initially, Marvelous Things, distinguished by One Last Song's musical creativity, which saw the band slipping into a smokey groove just shy of the dark side of the moon, in a way, playing themselves out. That's what I call going out in style. I can only hope to have a little of that rub off here as I transition to:
I'm not sure what will inspire the rambles over here, but it won't be music. Hopefully it won't be any further confusion about the condition of my affections and capacity to actualize them.
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